Roomba I7+ – Unboxing and Review for Pet owners – Is it worth it?


Today we will unbox and test the Roomba I7+ to find out if automated vacuum technology has come far enough to be practical. Previously a resounding no. Given the new features, we figured we’d give it a chance. Al we were really looking for was something that would take up the task of daily dog hair removal.

iRobot Roomba i7+ (7550) Robot Vacuum with Automatic Dirt Disposal –

So with a quick unboxing and inspection we get underway following the instructions however I’ve found that doing a mapping exercise beforehand is a much better way to go than simply running the vacuum. I wish the collection bag on the auto empty feature was reusable, though, Ive found sellers online who make such bags available.

iRobot Roomba Authentic Replacement Parts – Roomba e, i, & j Series Replenishment Kit

The mapping block off feature is quite helpful as in the past special battery powered devices were required to fence off the unit from areas. This with the auto empty makes it practical. Though shag rug was an expected disappointment.


タイトルRoomba I7+ – Unboxing and Review for Pet owners – Is it worth it?
公開日時2020-12-12 22:51:31
動画作者Retro Tech & Electronics
タグroomba,roomba i7+,irobot,evaluation,unboxing,testing,pet hair,vacuum,roomba i7,roombai7,roombai7+,worth it,empty itself,review,automatic

