GPD WIN MAX 2 for creators | First Impressions Live Stream Review


Some notes on further testing:
Video playback of ALL-I 4k (anywhere from 8bit 4:2:0 to 10bit 4:2:2) files from cameras like the GH5 and XH2S were fairly smooth at full playback resolution on both the win max 2022 and the new win max 2.
When it came to LongGOP files on the new AMD based win max 2, playback was extremely choppy at 4k and 6k. This is what originally concerned me.
The same LongGOP files played back smoother on the older win max 2022.
That being said, while playback was generally smoother on last years version, 6k files would quickly get choppy on both devices and some of my larger more complex video work timelines would not play back in any usable way on either without proxies or pre rendering.
So, my judgment was a bit fast and for my youtube videos the new win max 2 might be enough, but I still am skeptical about the performance for me to check my more heavy files after a job.
I will continue to update this if necessary and try to make a more standard video when I get a chance.

タイトルGPD WIN MAX 2 for creators | First Impressions Live Stream Review
公開日時2022-12-19 16:11:35
タグgpd win max 2 premiere pro

