How to charge your Dyson Micro 1.5kg™ cordless vacuum


How to charge your Dyson Micro 1.5kg™ cordless vacuum.

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Fully charge your machine before using it for the first time, connect to the charger either directly or in the docking station. Batteries can be charged on or off your machine. Where you have additional batteries, we recommend that you alternate the batteries to maintain even performance.

The blue LEDs – one on each side of the battery – will flash on and off during charging. When the battery fully charged, both LEDs will light for 5 seconds, then go out.

Our experts are on hand to help, so leave us a comment if you’d like some further advice. You can also find support online:

タイトルHow to charge your Dyson Micro 1.5kg™ cordless vacuum
公開日時2020-10-08 00:08:04
タグhow to charge,how to charge dyson,how to,how to charge dyson battery,how to charge dyson cordless battery,charging the battery,charging dyson cordless battery,how to charge your cordless,how to charge your dyson cordless,ダイソン Micro 1.5kg™コードレスクリーナー – 充電方法,ダイソンお客様相談室,コードレスクリーナー,コードレス掃除機,掃除機,コードレス,コードフリー,コードフリークリーナー,コードフリー掃除機,スティック掃除機,ハンディ掃除機,軽量,クリーナー,充電方法,充電の仕方,充電器,バッテリー充電,電池を充電,バッテリー,電池,取扱説明書,ヘルプ,ガイド,サポート,使い方,ダイソン,修理,Dyson Micro 1.5kg,ダイソンマイクロ 1.5kg,マイクロ 1.5kg,yt:cc=on

